the best is yet to come!

the best is  yet to come!

Thursday, 2 March 2017


 For a very  long  time i wanted to  visit this beautiful city in the Mediterranean . I  was certain that i  would  love  the architecture .Before i went i tried to know everyone who lived there and what do must people visit . I went for only 5 days so i had to make a schedule.

 Las Ramblas was for sure my first destination .i wanted to see the people and try  to feel like them.there  where manny tourist  thought .So we decited to  go to the local market to get away and see locals . The market is a must see if  you wanna see what  people eat and do .
 Even  if  you wanna do  tourists thing or  not just walking around the  city you  find noumerous atractions
 The city is so  clean and the people are very happy..Its  the only place that from the first second feels like  home.
 the only bad  thing is at the park Guel the put a  ticket of 8 euros just for the marble staff and we didnt know so we waited 2 hours to go  in , To be honest the best part of the park  was the free  one and we lost 2  hours waiting afterwards cause nobody told as which part was the one with the ticket.
An other important thing if you are planning to  visit one of the days must be a Sunday .In Sundays all the city is out in the parks .Everywhere  you  go you ll see people enjoying them  self.You can dance  or see people dancing.Others play or exercise and then there are  so many markets .You  ll enjoy much as i did i promise

blue..when travelling

  when you are in a plane and you have 3-4 hours to kill and you are not sleepy,your get so bored.
 Me in .the other hand i try something to do. Like taking picture for example .Here  i  share  some above Italy.
  Always  take  with  you  a book  so   you ll seem occupied if the person-stranger next  to you is being annoying ,you l have an  excuse to avoid  any conversation.
Try  wearing something comfortable and a hudy will be handy if you wanna  sleep.
Big  tip phone must be fully charged and download map in google so you  can   know where  you are while flying its really cool  to  look down and recognize everything.
 Sit-belts on and have a  goodflight..mwah

photo like art

I am always amazed when a take a  random photo and  something very powerful comes out of  it that it looks like a  painting i  can put on my  wall here are some examples .

I was indoors in a moving car and i  was enjoying my ride in Oxford street..this in  what i got..hope you like it

Monday, 6 February 2017

TV 2 | All That We Share

 what a  great advertisement!!!

against racism against stereotypes against  labels!!

being human and having feeling is an us!! look at someone with an us instead of he or she will make a difference in the  meaning of community!

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Sigma - Find Me ft. Birdy

Millie Bobby Brownthis  kid  will go far  and  shine as  a  star   she is!

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Oh Wonder - All We Do

Brilliant music video

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Friday, 26 February 2016

london painting

after my  trip to London  i  decided to make my  own  souvenir  from this lovely  city .... was   gifted to  a dear  friend!!

Salvador Dali

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Asklipieio village

Asklipieio   is a  small  village  located in the south  part of Rodos local church web and  the  castle  .
 the  catle  you  can  find it on  top  of the  hill. it was  made the 15 century  from the  knights that  leaved  in  the island!
it has very  few locals and  holds a great beauty from its  church which is  one of the oldest  in  Rodos
  from up there  you  can   see the  hole  village which  is  shaped as a  heart
.i  totally   recomment  a  visit there at noon  so  you ll see the sunset from there

Monday, 22 February 2016

Beau Taplin 2

"Since you, I’ve found I no longer dwell on the past or feel any resentment toward it at all...." 

"Kiss me until I forget how terrified I am of everything wrong with my life."
  Beau Taplin • T h e  K i s s(Source: afadthatlastsforever)

"A funny thing happens when you miss someone badly enough. I can be in a room full of friendly faces, surrounded by laughter and celebration, but to me, it’s all just light and noise. I’ll smile and make small talk, but it’s all a performance. The truth is, I’m someplace else with you."
  Beau Taplin L i g h t  A n d  N o i s e  (Source: afadthatlastsforever)

"I know we needed some time apart, a little space to reevaluate what we’re looking for, and should we ever find our way back to each other I know we’ll be better for it.
Still, I miss you. And most of the time I think it would be better to be fools together, than sensible without you."
  Beau TaplinI n s e n s i b l e 

(Source: afadthatlastsforever)

"I love senselessly or not at all. I cannot give myself away to those who do not consume me, no matter how kind, committed or honest they are, but capture the full attention of my heart, and however toxic you are for me, I would conquer the world in your name if you asked."
  Beau TaplinS e n s l e s s l y  (Source: afadthatlastsforever)

Friday, 19 February 2016


 spending 3 days in  Budapest its enough when  you are on  holidays you  want to spend full  time  doing something so  we decided to go  to the aquarium on  on  bus away  from the center
 i  must  say that i was amazed from the  tropical  rain   forest that the made and  went on  every half an  hour
 an  other  breathtaking moment  was the  glass  top of the aquarium  that you  could  experience sharks swimming over  your  head

 i must mention  also  that there were more  than  fish species  there..the   monkeys   were  fantastic
i will  close the  Budapest posting with  the  square of the heroes which  is  a must  while visiting  the  city

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

budapest day 3

 After 2 km  of walking in  a  very  beautiful  scenery you ll  find citadel is  were the old  city  was located..i truly believe you ll find the best  view of the city over there
 the parliament building is  very  beautiful and its found easily  in the  center of the city opposite  buda  on  the river coast
 after  the parliament  we  decided to  take a  walk to margarite  island where  we  had a  nice sunday walk  without cars and nice attractions on  the  way

Sunday, 14 February 2016

budapest day 2

 we  had   such a  lovely   day   and we decided to  go  on  foot  to  Dunave river and  visit the castle district ..on our  way  we stoped for our first  treats of course i am  talking about the kortoskalacs

The  Fisherman's bastion is a terracesituated on the Budabank of the Danube on the castle  hill in Budapest, around Matthias Church.
From the towers and the terrace a panoramic view exists of Danube, Margaret Island, Pest to the east and the Gellért Hill.
Its seven towers represent the seven Magyar tribes that settled in the Carpathian Basin in 896.
The Bastion takes its name from the guild of fishermen that was responsible for defending this stretch of the city walls in the Middle Ages. It is a viewing terrace, with many stairs and walking paths.
A bronze statue of Stephen I of Hungary mounted on a horse, erected in 1906, can be seen between the Bastion and the Matthias Church. (from wiki)

 to  cross over  we used the oldest bridge know as chain bridge( must mention that  it  was the coolest  one also )
 the view  from  high  high  up

budapest day 1

 budapest the capital of Hungary .a  huge city with a  great architecture and a   very romantic vibe!!
 we arrived with a transfer taxi  very easily and very cheap .the place  we stayed was  in the center of Pest an apartment in  gozsdu courtyard which is full of bars .clubs and restaurants.
 at  the mornings there  was a bazaar with  small  goods ..always  full  of  people 
 the  first  day   was a transition  to the mood of the  city and  the cold  weather
the only  bad fact  i ll  mention is the homeless people  .Such  a  beautiful city is a  pity  that  they  leave humans out in the  cold