the best is yet to come!

the best is  yet to come!
Showing posts with label arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arts. Show all posts

Friday, 26 February 2016

london painting

after my  trip to London  i  decided to make my  own  souvenir  from this lovely  city .... was   gifted to  a dear  friend!!

Salvador Dali

Monday, 18 January 2016

René Magritte

Son of man 1964
 Rene was a Belgium  surrealist artist. He became well known for a number of witty and thought-provoking images that fall under the umbrella of surrealism.
René Magritte. The Lovers
 His work is known for challenging observers' preconditioned perceptions of reality.He  happens  to be my  favorite painter and i am happy to say that i  have visited in  Brussels his museum
Ceci n'est pas"
 Magritte's work frequently displays a collection of ordinary objects in an unusual context, giving new meanings to familiar things. The use of objects as other than what they seem is typified in his painting.Magritte used the same approach in a painting of an apple: he painted the fruit and then used an internal caption or framing device to deny that the item was an apple. In these "Ceci n'est pas" works, Magritte points out that no matter how naturalistically we depict an object, we never do catch the item itself.
The therapeutist - Rene Magritte
Magritte's works are conceived of as riddles. In them, he explores the mysteries lurking in the unexpected juxtaposition of everyday things, involving the viewer in a self-induced disorientation. His paintings exclude symbols and myths; everything is visible. Magritte worked from several sources, which he repeated with variations: anatomical surprises, such as the hand whose wrist is a woman's face; the mysterious opening, where a door swings open onto an unexpected vista; metamorphic creatures, such as a stone bird flying above a rocky shoreline. He animates the inanimate, as a shoe with toes; he enlarges details, as an immense apple filling a room. he makes an association of complementaries, as the leaf-bird, or the mountain-eagle. His titles accompany the paintings in the way that names correspond to objects, without either illustrating or explaining them.

There is always a kind of logic to Magritte's images but when asked about analysis of the content of his paintings, Magritte replied, "If one looks at a thing with the intention of trying to discover what it means, one ends up no longer seeing the thing itself, but of thinking of the question that is raised." The interpretation of the image was a denial of its mystery, the mystery of the invisible. His images are to be looked at, not into.

Friday, 18 September 2015


100 Movies Dance Scenes Mashup 


Uptown Funk ft.Bruno Mars



Saturday, 12 September 2015

age gracefully

lovely video...
be yourself...follow your sweet-tooth..

Monday, 27 April 2015

flower in progress

my  beautiful   aunt has  hair  bday  and  she  loves   flower so  i  desided to  draw  one for  her...still  in progress  but  i  am  not so  far  apart.

I hope.!!!

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Coffee Book Tag

Καφές και βιβλία!

 Black coffee: Ονόμασε μία σειρά που δυσκολεύεσαι ν’αρχίσεις, ενώ έχει σκληροπυρηνικούς οπαδούς.

θα  πω το  Game of  thrones  αρχικά λόγο του  όγκου  του  ... και   αφού  δεν  εχει   τελειώσει η σειρα..

Peppermint mocha: Ονόμασε ένα βιβλίο που γίνεται πιο δημοφιλές κατά τη διάρκεια του χειμώνα ή μιας εορταστική εποχής του χρόνου.

  A winters  tale  Mark Helprin

Hot chocolate: Ποιό είναι το αγαπημένο σου παιδικό βιβλίο;

Θα αναφέρω  δύο harry potter Πολυaννα

Double shot of espresso: Ποιό βιβλίο σε έκανε να μην σηκωθείς από την καρέκλα σου από την αρχή μέχρι το τέλος;

Θελω  να αναφερω ολα της   Gillian Flynn  αλλα θα  ξεχωρισω το Gone Girl που ηταν το πρωτο που  διαβασα

Starbucks: Ποιό βιβλίο βλέπεις παντού;

 Εξαρταται  που  κοιταω ...Camila Lackberg .. the  stranger

That hipster coffee shop: Δώσε φωνή σένα βιβλίο από κάποιον ανεξάρτητο συγγραφέα.

 writter's block ...i ll try later  on

The perfect blend: Ονόμασε ένα βιβλίο ή μια σειρά, που αν και «είχε γλυκόπικρη γεύση», σε άφησε ικανοποιημένο. 

the twilight series !!!!!!!

Ευχαριστώ πολύ την Φωτεινη -metaphrasi  και διάβασα  τις απαντήσεις όλων όσων ανταποκρίθηκαν στο tag Over the Place, Cocooning Cat, Cherrybookreviews,  Life is art, Garden of stories!!!

Monday, 6 April 2015

a view from Paris

this week  i   decided to  try Vincent van  Gogh's  art...
in pen

beginning to  look  alike
the  end

Thursday, 26 March 2015

there is a small god in each one of us..

My  friends happen  to be really creative..they inspire my everyday  of theme i mention before and i will manny more..Lila  has  done it again with her drawing  skills ..i ll show  you  some ... i think  she is a  person to  be !  !  !i  find everything adorable..hope you do  to..

find her on Ka'ts mosaic

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

my acrylic painting designs

when i  decided  to  find  out if  i  can manage to  draw...Acrylic is  always the  first  step!!
You  can  mix  the  colors  really easy  ..water   helps a lot to  make the paint thinner .It  also  has the advantage that it  dry faster  than  oil.Its  fine  for  the introduction in  painting but in my  opinion oil   is  always  more  fun to  use!!

my first oil painting..

As  i  promised  here  are the projects i am   trying  on  my   own ...don't  judge    to  hard!! this is my   first oil painting . i  discovered  that  the  colors are easier to mix and blend but water  here  wont its harder to clean and you ll meed patience for  the drying   part!!

Saturday, 21 March 2015

this week's painting

Quotes That Will Make You Fall In Love With Poetry

“You could tie my tongue
My lips, my teeth
Split them into surrender
Into a foreign language
And I would still manage
To cough up your name.”

- Danielle Shorr, “Let”

“Here I love you.
Here I love you and the horizon hides you in vain.
I love you still among these cold things.
Sometimes my kisses go on those heavy vessels
that cross the sea towards no arrival.
I see myself forgotten like those old anchors.”

- Pablo Neruda, “Here I Love You”

You are a horse running alone
and he tries to tame you
compares you to an impossible highway
to a burning house
says you are blinding him
that he could never leave you
forget you
want anything but you
you dizzy him, you are unbearable
every woman before or after you
is doused in your name.”
- Warsan Shire, “For Women Who Are Difficult to Love”

“He used to love me,
and now
he’s just a stranger
who happens to know
all my secrets.”

- Clementine Von Radics, “It’s Just So Strange”

Thursday, 12 March 2015

watching your own tv

For  a  couple  of   years  or  so ...i stopped watching  tv... i didn't  like   the  most  of the  programms or  if i   liked  them  the  hours  they  were  on ..i  wasn't able  to  see  them.
So i  found  out  on my  own  what  was  worth  my  time  . Here is a  glimpse.
The  walking  dead
True detective


orange is the new black

the affair

modern family


the fall

Ray Donovan

the good wife


how  to  get away with murder
criminal minds

Bates motel

my best for  last...Game of  thrones

A picture can be made.

As  you ll learn  about  me...i  have  got  hobbies....a  lot of them. A new   one  that i  wanna  grow is  painting!I  always  loved the  arts . I  studied  a lot  in the  past. Here  are  some  of my  favourites  ones.... Soon i  ll   have  a  post   with  a  few i  accomplished

the past  year...