the best is yet to come!

the best is  yet to come!

Sunday, 14 February 2016

budapest day 1

 budapest the capital of Hungary .a  huge city with a  great architecture and a   very romantic vibe!!
 we arrived with a transfer taxi  very easily and very cheap .the place  we stayed was  in the center of Pest an apartment in  gozsdu courtyard which is full of bars .clubs and restaurants.
 at  the mornings there  was a bazaar with  small  goods ..always  full  of  people 
 the  first  day   was a transition  to the mood of the  city and  the cold  weather
the only  bad fact  i ll  mention is the homeless people  .Such  a  beautiful city is a  pity  that  they  leave humans out in the  cold

Monday, 18 January 2016

René Magritte

Son of man 1964
 Rene was a Belgium  surrealist artist. He became well known for a number of witty and thought-provoking images that fall under the umbrella of surrealism.
René Magritte. The Lovers
 His work is known for challenging observers' preconditioned perceptions of reality.He  happens  to be my  favorite painter and i am happy to say that i  have visited in  Brussels his museum
Ceci n'est pas"
 Magritte's work frequently displays a collection of ordinary objects in an unusual context, giving new meanings to familiar things. The use of objects as other than what they seem is typified in his painting.Magritte used the same approach in a painting of an apple: he painted the fruit and then used an internal caption or framing device to deny that the item was an apple. In these "Ceci n'est pas" works, Magritte points out that no matter how naturalistically we depict an object, we never do catch the item itself.
The therapeutist - Rene Magritte
Magritte's works are conceived of as riddles. In them, he explores the mysteries lurking in the unexpected juxtaposition of everyday things, involving the viewer in a self-induced disorientation. His paintings exclude symbols and myths; everything is visible. Magritte worked from several sources, which he repeated with variations: anatomical surprises, such as the hand whose wrist is a woman's face; the mysterious opening, where a door swings open onto an unexpected vista; metamorphic creatures, such as a stone bird flying above a rocky shoreline. He animates the inanimate, as a shoe with toes; he enlarges details, as an immense apple filling a room. he makes an association of complementaries, as the leaf-bird, or the mountain-eagle. His titles accompany the paintings in the way that names correspond to objects, without either illustrating or explaining them.

There is always a kind of logic to Magritte's images but when asked about analysis of the content of his paintings, Magritte replied, "If one looks at a thing with the intention of trying to discover what it means, one ends up no longer seeing the thing itself, but of thinking of the question that is raised." The interpretation of the image was a denial of its mystery, the mystery of the invisible. His images are to be looked at, not into.

“Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have. Without having a goal it’s difficult to score.”

It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be

by Paul ArdenMy friend rec commented  me this book to read.its really sweet, easy read, and provides a great positive reinforcement to you, and assures you that you will get your desired success.
I recommend this book to anyone from fresh grads to seasoned executives.

traveling a priority for few.

I made traveling  a priority. i wanted to and i just did.If travel is not a priority for you, you will always find some other things to spend money on and you’ll never have “enough” money to travel.
I never have enough money to go shopping or buy a new electronic gadget because I spend my money on travel, so there isn’t much left over for non-priority expenses. Everything I do is focused on having more money for travel (and other things I love like sushi, movies, and nice dinners)! so stop thinking and  just commit to travel.


 Malmo  is the  third biggest city in the  country of Sweden happens to  be my mother's home town. Since the construction of the Øresund Bridge, Malmö has undergone a major transformation with architectural developments, and it has attracted new biotech and IT companies, and particularly students through Malmö University, founded in 1998. The city contains many historic buildings and parks, and is also a commercial centre for the western part of Scania.
 the city is great  for shopping and has a  huge list of museums so if  you are in north  europe its so  easy  to travel and have a nice day tour.
 Pildammsparken with the old water tower.The  park is amazing . take some bread with you if  you plan a  visit cause there so manny animals you ll enjoy feeding them


 If  you are planning to visit  the  capital of Netherlands be prepared  for  a  big bike  ride...its a  total  must  if its not raining.everybody is  using  the bike  cause its  chip and the roads are  easy.
 Van Gogh museum its  a  must  give it a  day but unfortunately  cameras are not allowed
 Amsterdam’s 17th-century Canal Ring was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2010, raising the total number of listed sites in the Netherlands to nine. Take  the canal tour its  beautiful and its worth  your money value .

 Free cheese tasting in all  the stores
 be prepared  for the  cold  thought it freezing



Burren Way,ireland

 The Barony of the Burren forms the northern part of County Clare, overlooking Galway Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. The word Burren comes from Boireann, or stony district, and refers to the 130 square kilometres of spectacular terraced carboniferous limestone hills and valleys that characterise the area. The highest hill, Slieve Elva is a mere 344 metres above sea level, but the south-western end of the Burren bedrock drops into the sea at the Cliffs of Moher which rear more than 200 metres vertically out of the sea. Added to these surroundings are hundreds of miles of rambling stone field walls and a unique density of well-preserved monuments and buildings from the Neolithic to the early Christian period, and a rich treasury of rare wild flowers.
 The Burren Way is a 123km walking route that takes in the best of what the Burren area has to offer, from the coast at Doolin to majestic wild-flower-decorated limestone terraces and from the remains left by the Neolithic inhabitants of the Burren to the rich heritage of early Christian churches and sites. The long views from the top of Mullaghmore, one of the easternmost Burren hills, are particularly spectacular in good weather.
  Terrain consists mainly of quiet tarmac roads, old green roads, ancient cattle droving roads, paths and forestry tracks, but there are also some stretches on busy roads. There are a few short steep climbs involved. Overnight accommodation options are very good in the area, and there are public transport links to some of the main centres on the route.

 Walkers may want in particular to linger in the village of Doolin, a mecca for traditional musicians from all over the world.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Camden Town

 Camden Town, often shortened to Camden (ambiguously also used for the much larger London Borough of Camden of which it is the central neighbourhood), is an inner city district of London
 Camden is well known for its markets.

Park, London

 One of the best things about London is its abundance of open spaces. What's more, spending the day exploring the city's majestic parks is absolutely free

Hyde Park

At 1.5 miles long and about a mile wide, Hyde Park is one of the largest of London's Royal Parks.

St James's Park

St James's Park was founded as a deer park for the royal occupants of St James's Palace, and remodelled by John Nash on the orders of George IV.

Green Park

The green, triangle-shaped expanse of leafy land just beyond the Ritz is Green Park